Fourth World

Hasan Nakhleh & Vivian Caccuri at Noor Riyadh
Hasan Nakhleh & Vivian Caccuri at Noor Riyadh

2023 Noor Riyadh Festival, Saudi Arabia

Collaboration with Brazilian artist Vivian Caccuri

Medium: Sound/Light art

Dimensions: Speakers, amplifiers, stage lights

A work in which the visitor is invited to enter, Fourth World demands of its viewers to activate the space and connect with it through sound and light. The installation includes music programmed by the artist and the musician Hasan Nakhleh, which they made using artificial intelligence and which is self-generative, infinite, and ever-changing. Following Middle Eastern standards of rhythm and scale, the rhythmic composition goes against most generative music that is usually made of Western pop music. Anchored in Arab musical traditions, the sound is comprised of a mix of those with Brazilian percussive rhythms, fictitiously called by Caccuri and Nakhleh the “Fourth World”. Synchronized with the fundamental beats and scales of the song, the stage lights create a unique choreography, dancing together with the music in Caccuri’s signature shade of colors. Creating visual and sound vibrations that hypnotize the body, her synergistic work highlights music’s ability to bring people together and creates platforms to a new dimension, to a Fourth World.